Tiree Tea

Taste the islands in a cup

15 incredible facts about the humble cup of tea

How well do you know your cup of tea? Tea has a long and rich history dating back centuries. Here are 15 fascinating facts about tea that you may not know.

1. Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world after water.

2. More than 3,000 varieties of tea are produced around the world.

3. The first recorded use of tea dates back to China in 2737 BC.

4. The average person in Britain drinks 876 cups of tea per year – which is more than 2 cups a day! That means that the UK drinks the most tea per capita in the world.

5. After water, tea is the most popular drink in the United States. Iced tea makes up 85% of all tea consumed in America.

6. Green tea benefits brain function and apparently lowers risk of cancer.

7. Black teas reduce stress and boost immunity levels, because they contain high levels of antioxidants.

8. Tea tastes different depending on where the leaves were grown – many connoisseurs can tell accurately where a particular type came from just by tasting it.  Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) is famous for its “Ceylon” teas, while Indian Darjeeling is renowned for its muscatel character. 

Ok, we’re at 8! Read on for more tea facts…

Tea facts 9-15

9. When milk or cream is added to black teas, it’s important to pour the milk in first, otherwise it will quickly curdle due to the tannins present in strong brews.

10. If you’re wondering how much caffeine there is in your cuppa, here’s a rough guide: 1-2% for green teas, 2-3% for oolong, 3-5% for black and up to 10% for matcha powder. 

11. In Asian countries such as China and Japan, they traditionally use white porcelain teacups without handles, as they allow drinkers to appreciate the colour and clarity of the liquid once infusion has taken place.

12. Tetley Tea Folk were introduced on television adverts in Great Britain during 1966 and become an iconic representation of British culture! 

13. More than 3,000 varieties of tea exist. As a result, it is popular worldwide.

14. The ritual practise associated with drinking Matcha โ€“ ceremonial Japanese green tea โ€“ dates back almost 1,000 years.

15. Tiree Tea has 9 brilliantly tasty tea blends just waiting for you try! (God loves a trier!)

We hope you enjoyed reading these fun tea facts – please share with friends and family if they like learning new things too! Titles such as these always manage to hook me right in! I’m now going off to make myself a nice cuppa ๐Ÿ™‚


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