Tiree Tea

Taste the islands in a cup

Tiree Tea and the environment

Ceann Traigh Thòisinis

Being island-based, the environment, and especially plastic pollution, is something we are accutely aware of. We’re doing our very best to make sure that we respect the planet whilst staying on the right side of Food Regulations.

We’re as green as we can get!

We’re often asked about our tea bags, our packaging and our eco-credentials. All we can tell you is that we do our best.

Our tea bags are plastic-free

They are constructed from cornstarch. The tag dangling from the string? It’s merely traditional paper. The string is sealed by heat alone

But don’t compost them

Home composting isn’t the way to go, as domestic setups lack the necessary heat, pressure, and microbial activity for effective decomposition. The alternative? Your food waste bin is the perfect destination.

Our pouches can go in your recycling.

Ditto our mailing bags can be commercially composted.

Our labels and stickers are paper.

Our refill bags could be home-composted if you know your stuff.

Our boxes are sealed with paper tape

We reuse stuffing materials from other deliveries to keep your purchases secure.

Last but not least, the spare boxes from stock deliveries cover a neighbouring vegetable plot before being turned into compost.

And… We’ve recently bought a printer that will print our graphic directly onto the pouches. We’re transitioning to that over the next few months. Fewer labels means less waste from the backing and a smaller carbon footprint as we’re not having them posted to us!